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Dear Parents and Carers, 


Welcome to Aldbourne Preschool. We look forward to working in partnership with you and sharing the early education of your child. We hope that you and your family have a happy time at pre-school.


To help your child settle we welcome parents and carers at our sessions prior to starting in order for both to meet the staff and find out about the preschool.


We can also hare information regarding sessions, routines and the organisation, as well as finding out about you and your child. You are welcome to stay with your child until you feel ready to leave him / her in our care. 


Annette and Julie are also able to offer home visits to discuss any particular needs or requirements prior to your child starting preschool, if you wish. Please let us know if you would like to arrange a home visit.


We look forward to working with you. 


Yours sincerely


Annette Jerram and Julie Kent


Click here to download our latest "outstanding" Ofsted
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